Friday, May 21, 2010

What I've Learned

So here it is... my last blog for this class. As I mentioned during my presentation and in my first blog (which was my first blog ever), I was skeptical about sharing my thoughts and ideas in the cloud and using social networking sites to openly communicate about my staffing agency. This class has allowed me to challenge this reluctant feeling and fear I had about transparency. It allowed me to think about new technology in a way I had never thought of before and showed me how I can use it to my advantage. I'm using Linkedin on a daily basis to build my business relationships. Twitter has become a great marketing tool for my staffing agency and my CEO has actually asked me to share my new knowledge with him. In addition, tools like Survey Monkey, Wikis, Blogs, and Websites have allowed me to explore many costless options to brand my company. Unfortunately, we don't have the financial means to implement an HR Saas system. Once we do, I'll make sure to wisely choose which one is most compatible with our company culture. Moreover, with the final presentations I learned how to layout a business plan and manage a project using creativity and technology. This class really taught me a lot and made me open my eyes up to a different vision of HR that I had no knowledge about. Before this class, I wasn't technology savvy. I'm a little bit more technology savvy today. It's not just knowing about technology and the changes within, but it's about being part of it all. Technology is a huge trigger for change in HR and in order to keep myself updated with my job and my industry, I need to know, learn, change and contribute to it all.
Thank you Jun for a great class and for allowing me to explore a new spectrum of my field.

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